Relationship Compatibility (Simplified Version)



A simplified analysis of the compatibility between you and your partner. Why simplified? Because for this version you don’t need permission of another side as we will focus only on your Birth Chart and on how this partner influences YOU! Is he/she suitable for you as a lover or business partner and how to harmonize your relationship.

All partnerships are fair game, family, romantic, parent-child, business and friendships. You will understand the interaction of your psychologies when you come into relation with one another.

The process:

  1. You give me your and your partner’s date/time (at least within one hour interval) /place of birth
  2. I ask you questions to ratify your birth time.
  3. We set the day for the analysis.
  4. On a set day I send you the analysis of the compatibility in audio recordings (Telegram or Whatsapp).
  5. You listen to audios and generate questions that we discuss in further audio recordings.

If you want to have both your and partner’s Charts analyzed for compatibility, please, check the In-depth Relationship Compatibility.