
Eliana is a Master! She is unique person with incredible sense of whole universe, how it works and how it impacts our lives. I am very thankful to life that I had an opportunity to meet this bright and incredible mind. During birth chart session she paid attention to the smallest details, her kindness made whole experience remarkable. It felt that I am communicating with the person who knows me for decades, explained why I am who I am. She gave me an amazing understanding about myself. It is very difficult to explain in words how much inner power she created in my heart. I loved all the moments during our session, I loved how much knowledge she has, how deep she understands astrology. Literally Eliana is a gift for us all. ❤️

Eglė P.

Before starting this beautiful journey with Eliana, I had been living my life with a lot of unanswered questions about myself, my path, about the situations that had been happening to me. And one day, this journey started: at first – with many practices of hormonal breathing and then – with Birth Chart Analysis which was so eye-opening, relieving yet at the same time scary as it was my very first time to introduce myself to myself again, to see myself in an absolutely new light. I will always be thankful and grateful for Eliana, who, firstly, believes in me and my journey unconditionally, as I trust and believe her reciprocally. Of course, it should be felt mutually, and of course, I knew and I was ready to find out so many layers about myself, still I’m on my way with highs and lows but always knowing that once I started understanding who I really am – I will never return to the past, as the present and future is already in my hands, I own the responsibility of the life I create and Eliana is a brilliant guide to walk this amazing journey together. She’s encouraging, amazing listener, sharp and absolutely honest besides full of integrity soul. She is simply a Bliss ✨

Eglė B.

Speaking to Eliana was an amazing experience and something I have suggested to all of my family and friends! Her astrodiagnostic was spot on & helped me learn about areas of myself that I was neglecting/avoiding/or just didn’t even know. She gave me a super detailed guideline of things I need to do to thrive in this life & I am making the efforts to get through everything, already seeing results. I changed up some things that were not in tune with my birth chart (even my career!) & finally feel like I’m thriving. I highly suggest Eliana period, for all facets of life & just to really learn more about yourself; but especially for those who are in a rut & need guidance in life to get out of it. She’s an amazing and gifted woman and will be booking further services with her in the future 💗💗💗


Eliana is special person, she is a gift for whole world and for me personally. I am so amazed by her foresights, she scanned my most secret internals, which I hid deeply from the closest people, because I was confident that those peculiarities are not good.
Thanks to Eliana, who released me from myself, from the clams and dogmas that strangulated my personality, and encouraged me to be the true Myself. I am extremely happy to have a direction in which I should move in my life, areas go deep into, so that I can give something useful to my life.
Thank you dear Eliana, for each purposeful recommendation, I believe that following them I will feel the pure joy of life as myself.


The analysis was solution-oriented, the same as Eli herself, once she finds a bug, she immediately suggests a detailed instruction. She explained about the houses, what they stand for, my super powers and what I need to focus on the most. Now I feel so empowered in my life and choices and it is thanks to Eli’s wisdom and intuition.


Eliana analysed my Birth Chart and gave a direction for some changes in my life very fast. I really loved the way how she is giving all information. The analysis was given with short recordings. Everything was very informative and in detail. Short recordings were helpful to save and assimilate all information. It was very clear that my Mars is very powerful and it has huge influence on my career. I always felt that some parts of me are not realized and that good connection with my family is very important to me in terms of energy and power. And it is my nature. All my talents and potentials are so clear now, that I feel more and more comfortable about some of my passions in different areas of my life.
What I also liked is that I was given the task with questions about my future day vision after 5 years. This analysis helped me to rethink my life, to reorganize my present day: what is it like, is it necessary to improve something or even absolutely to change. The most important thing was that I was given the detailed plan of actions, what planets’ energies should be activated and in what particular ways. Eliana’s clear actions and directions show her 100% power of intuition and intelligence.


Dear Eli, I am profoundly grateful for your analysis. It is also great that you are attuned with modern world so much. I had readings with Indian astrologers before but they were too out of date in terms of our western lifestyle. Your analysis was so precise and powerful that it made me cry. Thank You once again and I wish you all the best luck, the amount of value in what you do is priceless.


I herewith would like to express my experience of being in contact with Ms. Eliana upon my personal request for explaining my astrological intricacies and her outstanding professional capabilities of doing so.
I came in contact with Ms. Eliana during the probably most complex and mentally dehydrating moment of my life. I have lost my closest people and in parallel my relationship and professional sides were going awry. Seeking for at least some kind of direction in any future possibilities of solving the situation that I was facing at that particular moment, I’ve decided to address my issues and questions to Ms. Eliana hoping to get at least a hint of what I was supposed to do.
The response from Ms. Eliana upon the information that I was asked to provide about myself was revealing, deep-sighted and very well structured. The information was presented in an “inside-out” manner, starting from the analysis of my personality traits and ending on any prospects that future holds for me based on the overarching behavioral insights that were prevalent throughout the whole set of information that I was presented with.
The technical solution used for providing the insights and the whole communication process with Ms. Eliana was very fluent and seamless. The direct contact with Ms. Eliana for any additional explanations or insights was very much appreciated, too.
Instead of hoping to receive at least a hint of what to do, basically, I was provided with a certain map, which, if followed, things should start becoming clearer. And, I have to admit, the map became a life changer. All I had to do was to gain the courage to do so. And that was reached not without the help of Ms. Eliana, too.
Forever grateful,


This is my second message to you. Now, after almost a year since your analysis, I can only repeat even louder: SO AMAZING AND CLARIFYING, FOREVER GRATEFUL TO YOU! Before I contacted you, I had been in doubt if I needed an astrologer, but my best friend’s recommendations and certain circumstances in my love life was a clear sign that I needed help from more than just a psychologist. And never regretted, because I can say that your analysis of our couple helped us more that I could ever imagine. I am still with this person and it gives me chills thinking that I nearly lost him. With your clear instructions, we solved the problem we had and are happy now more than ever before. I recommended a session with you to all people I know. Love you!


Wow! I want to say just one thing – you are unbelievable! I want to sell your services! You named everything so right as if you see through me. Though we have never met before.
In short, I am enchanted by the accuracy of your analysis. You have mentioned that I am always distracted between logics and intuition, so it becomes so hard for me to make decisions. And this is such an issue for me, I have no words. I am working on this right now. In many ways your words proved to me that I am on the right track. Also, your insights about my relationship with my mother – something beyond words.
You are such a professional, I am even a little bit envious of your skills. Thank You so much again, I will recommend you to my friends and relatives, for sure. And, of course, I will be coming back to your analysis again and again!

Eglė D.

I couldn’t find myself for so many years, doing work I never felt was my life path. And if not you, I don’t think I would have found courage to quit that job. Now my Birth Chart has become a roadmap in my life, and what is even more important it gave me confidence that my gut feeling was not an illusion. After our consultation I will trust my gut feeling more, as I promised to you, dear Eliana. I feel so excited and clear about my future! Thank you for your gift. Highly recommended.


Eliana is a gift to this world! Speaking to her is like speaking to someone who knows everything about me. All her points resonate strongly with my personal life experience and are great guidance for my path ahead. I learned that almost all downfalls in my life are due to position of my Rahu and she gave me clear advice on how to assuage that force. I recommend Eliana to anyone who is the least bit curious where to fit in the Universe. And her passion for what she does is a separate form of art 🙂


I always felt different and sometimes thought what’s wrong with me. It was such a relief to realize that I am ok! I am unique, everyone is unique and that I need to accept myself as a gift. Million thanks!


Astrodiagnostics blew me away with how accurate and deep it was. Eliana is exceptionally good at what she does. After the analysis she sent me a big list of suggestions what to do to work out my struggles and fears. It was super helpful. Amazing! Thank you!


This was my first time with astrologer and I am very satisfied. Eliana knew everything about me, more than me myself – my life, my nature, my likes, my fears and discomforts. She answered all my questions and showed what stops me from moving forward and thriving. I absolutely trust Eliana’s insights and will definitely recommend her to my family and friends.


All my life I had been going back and forth about my choices. Now when I have my Birth Chart analysis, I will make better choices. It is a guide that I will use every day. Eliana herself is very caring and the TRUTH she delivers, she does it suggesting a solution. Love you.


Extremely insightful, Eliana helped me to understand why I am the way I am, why I have the periods of ups and downs that hit the rock bottom no matter how hard I try. I have learnt about my talents and blocks, my struggles and karmic lessons. I am very grateful to you, Eliana.


I recommend Astrodiagnostics to everyone who wants to understand who you are. Thank you.


After the session I had a clear sense of direction and was full of ideas for the future. I highly recommend Eliana as a professional, inspiring and compassionate guide.


All my life I had been looking for a root cause of my health issue. I tried many specialists but then gave up. To my great surprise, Eliana saw it and pointed it out right away. Now I know what to work on and which direction to move. I came because I was curious and left with the answer of my life. You are a real pro. Thank you.
