I watched a talk show where three men spent an hour and forty minutes analyzing with a psychologist why they’re attracted to older women. The whole time, I couldn’t stop thinking —why waste so much time on pointless chatter when their Birth Charts hold the exact answers? Let me show you what kind of men… Continue reading Why some men are drawn to older women
Tag: love
Are You Compatible with Your Man/Woman?
Sometimes Your Spirit is an enemy to Your man’s/woman’s Spirit and there is nothing you can do about it. It is on a subconscious level, it is your essence that neither you or your lover ( I don’t like the word ‘partner’ in terms of love) are able to change. We are living in the… Continue reading Are You Compatible with Your Man/Woman?
Personal Venus
Each of us has their own story of self-denial. Here is mine. In these pictures I am 5-6 years old and am very well aware of my Venus 💫 Intuitively I felt her and expressed her intuitively, too. I was very sexual, expressive and demonstrative. Not a good girl at all! And I didn’t care.… Continue reading Personal Venus
Karmic relationship
You have a tendency to fall into karmic relationship if your Venus is connected with Ketu in your BIRTH CHART. Venus is the planet of relationship and Ketu is Lunar North Node that shows us our karma (the experience we bring here from our previous incarnations). Let’s not go into details here about past lives.… Continue reading Karmic relationship