This is an in-depth analysis of Moon in your Birth Chart. You will understand your emotional patterns, triggers, responses to stress, and the best practical ways to nurture yourself based on your unique Moon energy. I will show you what is necessary for your mind to feel calmer and in tune with yourself. And not only this, after “Personal Moon” you will definitely be able to navigate life’s ups and downs with greater ease and confidence.
The process:
- You give me your date/time/place of birth.
- I ask you questions to see where in your life you are right now.
- We set the day for the analysis.
- On the set day I send you the analysis of your Moon in audio recordings (Telegram or WhatsApp).
- You listen to audios and generate questions (within 3-4 days) which I answer in audio recordings.
Take Moon Test to assess the strength and balance of Moon energy in your cognitive system.